How You Can Help
The American Indian Institute is a national nonprofit, charitable organization with IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, Federal Tax I.D. #81-0339551. Click here to download a copy of the Institute's IRS Tax Exempt Status letter. Financing for programming and operations comes entirely from charitable contributions. In accordance with the traditional values of the Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth, the Institute neither seeks nor accepts funding from governmental or gaming agencies.
For a list of downloadable IRS 990 filings and American Indian Institute Annual Reports click here.
To make a general charitable donation via PayPal by entering an amount below and clicking the Donate button or by sending a check or money order.
Contributions by check or money order should be made out to "American Indian Institute" and mailed to:
American Indian Institute
502 West Mendenhall Street
Bozeman, MT 59715
More Information
Phone: (406) 587-1002
The annual International Elders & Youth Councils provide a forum for consideration of issues involving and affecting indigenous peoples. The issues are clarified and discussed, and the combined wisdom and experience of the group is utilized in seeking responses and solutions. Responses may involve direct or indirect action by the group or by individual members. A response may be simply the articulation of a moral position which then becomes an important tool in the hands of individual members.
The American Indian Institute is the sole source of financial and administrative support for the Traditional Circle of Elders and Youth. The top priority of the Institute is to help facilitate the annual councils and other gatherings of the Elders Circle by disseminating information, assisting the host community with food and lodging arrangements, arranging travel for key Elders and youth, and finding funding for the events each year.
If you would like to help support the annual Elder and Youth Councils, please enter the amount you would like to donate and click the Donate button. Thank you!

You can show your support with the following contributions:
Planned Giving, Tributes & Memorials, Endowment Contributions, Cash & Non-Cash Gifts
or directly support the Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth Annual Councils
Support the Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth Annual Councils

Support the Hopi/Navajo Relocation Resistance
Pauline Whitesinger was a Diné (Navajo) Elder from Big Mountain, Navajo Nation. She was a traditional matriarch and grassroots leader of the Hopi/Navajo Joint-use Area relocation resistance effort. Whitesinger and her family were among the last Diné to resist efforts by the federal government to relocate from their remote ancestral lands.
Pauline provided a keynote address to the Flathead Ancient Voices - Contemporary Contexts Forum in 2007 via a video with interpretation on-site by her nephew, Danny Blackgoat. The video is available for $12.50 (shipping and handling included). You can order with a credit/debit card by calling the office at (406) 587-1002.